May 15, 2023

Directions to more income

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I am fully convinced that the direction to take when setting out to make income goals has to do with the subject of agreement, but what do I mean by agreement and how do you get agreement that results in income.

Here is what I mean and ways to create agreement in the direction of creating more income.

  1.  It all starts with value

The first thing you have to determine for yourself and your company is: What are you doing for the human race that adds value to it? This question is designed to find agreement among society. People must agree that what you do adds value to their life if they are to provide you with income. If you sell a better TV, people will want that TV on display to improve their value to their friends. They may want that better TV to improve the value of their presentation at work. They may want better tax services to increase the value of their tax return, giving them more money for value elsewhere. In both cases, people agree that what you do adds value and will provide you income for this.

A lack of value can also drag down agreement to the point where no income is possible. Your TV or tax service may not have much value, or worse can destroy the value of individuals.  Your TV may not have good quality sound or worse have faulty wiring that causes fires. Your tax services can fail to provide a proper return or worse have to be completely redone due to a lack of attention, resulting in lost time and money.  

Word of mouth that shows a lack of value in your products or services can drown all hopes of reaching your income goals. This creates a situation where people do not agree with you, and businesses do not make income where people do not agree with your products or services.

  1. Team leaders

Just as there must be agreement in the world that your products and services add value, even more important, your team must share in that agreement.  Not only must they agree to the value your products and services bring, but while employed, they must take actions that promote, increase and improve upon the value of those services.

Your team plays a huge role in the success of your company and its ability to reach its financial targets.  By ensuring your team is composed of those who understand the value of what you do and by maintaining a culture of value, your income goals get that much easier to reach.

  1. Agreement that drives you forward

With the above in place, the game then becomes increasing income by gaining agreement.  This is done by reaching more and more people to show them value they can agree with.  

It is a very smart company that works to create, establish and maintain more and more clients, customers, and friends by gaining agreement with its mission. This is done through personal contact and with ever-widening marketing actions.

There are many ways to grow your number of friends, and more importantly, keep them engaged. It is the road to more income for you and your company!

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